😎WPA & WPA2 Cracking With OSINT + HashCat!


Hi hyder,

You're getting this email because you are enrolled in one or more of my courses, I hope you are enjoying them and finding them useful.

I just wanted to share with you the latest hacking tutorials in our communities and social accounts:

This video shows how to increase the probability of cracking WPA and WPA2 networks using wordlist attacks. To achieve that we rely on information gathering or open source intelligence (OSINT) to figure out the format used by our targeting to generate the password, then we'll use that information to make a custom wordlist for that target, and finally use HashCat to speedup the cracking process and crack the password using a GPU.
▶️ Click here to watch the video

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I hope you enjoy the above content.

Stay safe and enjoy hacking :)


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