How to hide ip: Guide To Finding And Configuring a Proxy For Google Chrome


How to hide ip: Guide To Finding And Configuring a Proxy For Google Chrome

Guide To Finding And Configuring a Proxy For Google Chrome

Posted: 10 Jul 2011 05:49 AM PDT

Proxy Google ChromeFor those who  use Google chrome as their browser,

What kind of  proxies do you need to search for?

If you are a university user, chances are that the university IT folks would have given you the parameters to use.

Just wanted to mention that some website provide you with a "web-based proxy". How does that kind of system work? You go to the web-based proxy website, then they usually have a form where you can put the URL of the website you want to go to. This can be convenient for circumventing some firewall policy rules that some IT network administrators may have set on your network, however, my experience has shown that some websites are not compatible with that kind of implementation.

So let's stick to finding a proxy server that can be publicly used. Please bear in mind that using those kind of public proxy usually gives you a slow connection – though it may not be suitable for bandwidth-consuming applications (videos for example). Moreover, be prepared to change your proxy server now and then as the list frequently changes.  Anyway, if using a public proxy is the only way for you, then you can google for "public proxy".

Configuring Chrome: the manual way

By this time of writing, Google Chrome does not have its own  "preferences" setting where you can set the proxy settings, it inherits those configuration from your system (we'll only deal with windows operating on this article). This means that it takes the proxy settings the same way Internet Explorer does.  Although few tricks can be done for launching Google Chrome with a hardcoded proxy settings, this is way out of the purpose of this article. We want easy-to-implement solution – right?

More advanced solution for google chrome proxy setting

Supposing that you found out few proxy servers that you can use, now if you want a more advanced and flexible proxy solution for Google chrome, you may want to try switchy extension.  What I like best with this solution (amidst all the different features that you can see on the extension website)  is that it can cycle between different proxy profiles. This feature comes handy when you need to regularly change your IP address (let's say for example that you want  to publish some ads on craigslist and that you want to overcome the posting limitations). You can use Switchy with only one proxy server profile, but I definitely find it more interesting to switch between multiple profiles.


Post from: How to hide ip

Guide To Finding And Configuring a Proxy For Google Chrome

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