How to hide ip: How to watch Australian TV while travelling abroad


How to hide ip: How to watch Australian TV while travelling abroad

How to watch Australian TV while travelling abroad

Posted: 03 Feb 2011 01:42 AM PST

If you are Australian citizen and live outside Australia or you are travelling abroad, you know that watching Australian TV online can be quite a challenge. TV networks block people outside Australia from watching. Fortunately, there is a simple solution to this problem: AU VPN services.

Australian TV networks offer hundreds of shows to watch online as “catch up” TV that are great for travellers wanting to stay in touch with home. Full episodes you can watch via your web browser but not downloaded.

In order to bypass the restrictions you need to sign up for a VPN service that offers Australian servers. Basically, a AU VPN service allows you to connect to a server located in Australia. Once connected you are assigned an Autralian IP address and all traffic is redirected through that server. So, if you are in the USA and connect to a VPN server in Australia, your computer will appear to be located in Australia.

There are not many VPN providers that offer AU VPN, but here 2 that I recommend: Overplay and Astrill. Unfortunately, there are not free VPN services with AU VPN servers (similar to Hotspot Shield or Expat Shield).

After you sign up and you get the login details, you need to set up a PPTP connection. Both services also offer OpenVPN option, but I recommend PPTP as it is faster. PPTP works for all types of operating system including Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone and Android and detailed how-to tutorials are available.

After you finish the setup you should be able to access any of the Australian TV websites and watch any of the shows listed below (via

30 Days (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
6Teen (ABC iView)
The 7:30 Report (ABC iView)
ABC News (ABC iView)
ABC News 24 (ABC iView)
ABC News 24 ABC News 24: watch live online ABC3 Kids’ programs (ABC iView)
ADbc (SBS Catchup TV)
Air Crash Investigation (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
Amazing Adventures of a Nobody (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
Angelina Ballerina (ABC iView)
Angelina Ballerina: The Next Steps (ABC iView)
Ashes To Ashes (ABC iView)
Astro Boy (ABC iView)
Australia Celebrates (ABC iView)
Australia Eye of the Storm (ABC iView)
Axmen (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
beached az (ABC iView)
Bed Of Roses (ABC iView)
Being Human (ABC iView)
Bernard (ABC iView)
Best Ed (ABC iView)
Better Homes and Gardens (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
Bit of Black Business (SBS Catchup TV)
Black Books (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
Black Books (ABC iView)
Blinky Bill (ABC iView)
Blue Bloods (Channel 10 catchup TV)
Bob The Builder (ABC iView)
Bob The Builder: Project Build It (ABC iView)
Bondi Vet (Channel 10 catchup TV)
Bones (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
Bookaboo (ABC iView)
Bowls: NSW Open 2010 (ABC iView)
Brothers and Sisters (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
Castle (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
Chappelle’s Show (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
Chopper Rescue (ABC iView)
City Homicide (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
CJ The DJ (ABC iView)
Cold Feet (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
Collision (ABC iView)
Comics Unleashed (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
Conan (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
Connor Undercover (ABC iView)
Contact (ABC iView)
Contact Sport (ABC iView)
Conviction Kitchen (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
Cougar Town (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
Criminal Minds (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
Cup Fever (SBS Catchup TV)
Dance Academy (ABC iView)
Date My Mom (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
Day of the Triffids (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
Deconstructing John Kelly (ABC iView)
Degrassi: The Next Generation (ABC iView)
Derren Brown Mind Control (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
Derren Brown Trick of the Mind (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
Desperate Housewives (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
Desperate Romantics (ABC iView)
dirtgirlworld (ABC iView)
Doctor Who (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
Doctor Who (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
Doctor Who (ABC iView)
Documentaries (Channel 10 catchup TV)
Dog Whisperer With Cesar Millan (ABC iView)
Domestic Blitz (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
Double the Fist (ABC iView)
Dr 90210 (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
Drive (ABC iView)
Driver Dan’s Story Train (ABC iView)
Eataholics (ABC iView)
Elmo’s World (ABC iView)
Engineering Disasters (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
Fat And Fatter (ABC iView)
Father Ted (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
Fawlty Towers (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
First Australians (SBS Catchup TV)
Five Minutes More (ABC iView)
Football: W-League (ABC iView)
Four Corners (ABC Four Corners website (selected episodes) and sometimes onABC iView
Freaking Funnies (SBS Catchup TV)
Freefonix (ABC iView)
Freshwater Blue (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
Fringe (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
From the Ground Up (Channel 10 catchup TV)
Galapagos (ABC iView)
Gandhi (ABC iView)
Gardening Australia (ABC iView)
Gene Simmons Family Jewels (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
Generation Kill (ABC iView)
Getaway (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
Getting On (ABC iView)
Girl Friday (ABC iView)
Grand Designs (ABC iView)
Global Village (SBS Catchup TV)
Good Chef Bad Chef (Channel 10 catchup TV)
Good News Week (Channel 10 catchup TV)
Gossip Girl (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
Grey’s Anatomy (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
Grumpy Guide To… (ABC iView)
Hawaii Five-O (Channel 10 catchup TV)
Hawke (Channel 10 catchup TV)
Headcases (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
Headhunters Of World War II (ABC iView)
Hellcats (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
Home and Away (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
Hotel Babylon (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
How I met your Mother (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
How To Be A Little S*d (ABC iView)
Huey’s Kitchen (Channel 10 catchup TV)
Hyperdrive (ABC iView)
Jack Osbourne: No Limits (ABC iView)
Jamie’s 30 minute meals (Channel 10 catchup TV)
Joan Baez: How Sweet The Sound (ABC iView)
Junior Masterchef (Channel 10 catchup TV)
Kylie Kwong (ABC iView)
Kylie Kwong: My China (ABC iView)
Landline (ABC iView)
League of Super Evil (ABC iView)
Letters and Numbers (SBS Catchup TV)
Life’s a Zoo (SBS Catchup TV)
Little Britain (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
Little Britain (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
Lizzie McGuire (ABC iView)
London Live (ABC iView)
Lunch Monkeys (ABC iView)
M.I. High (ABC iView)
Mad Boys Hidden Camera (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
Mad Men (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
Majority Rules (ABC iView)
Making Tracks (Channel 10 catchup TV)
Mandela Day (ABC iView)
Mark Love Sharon (Channel 10 catchup TV)
McLeod’s Daughters (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
Me and my Monsters (Channel 10 catchup TV)
Mega Disasters (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
Message Stick (ABC iView)
Midsomer Murders (ABC iView)
Misery Guts (ABC iView)
Mister Maker (ABC iView)
Modern Family (Channel 10 catchup TV)
Monster Auditions (SBS Catchup TV)
Murphy’s Law (ABC iView)
My Family (ABC iView)
mY Generation (SBS Catchup TV)
My Life As A Popat (ABC iView)
Naked Chef (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
Nitro Circus (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
No Leave No Life (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
Ocean Girl (ABC iView)
Octonauts (ABC iView)
One Plus One (ABC iView)
Oprah the Interview (Channel 10 catchup TV)
Outback House (ABC iView)
Outnumbered (ABC iView)
Outrageous Fortune (Channel 10 catchup TV)
Parenthood (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
Party Down (ABC iView)
Peep Show (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
Peppa Pig (ABC iView)
Places we go (Channel 10 catchup TV)
Podlove (SBS Catchup TV)
Poh’s Kitchen (ABC iView)
Popetown (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
Potatoes And Dragons (ABC iView)
Prank Patrol (ABC iView)
Prank Patrol International (ABC iView)
Pretty Little Liars (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
Primeval (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
QI (ABC iView)
Raising Hope (Channel 10 catchup TV)
Random Acts of Kindness (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
Ready Steady Cook (Channel 10 catchup TV)
Red Dwarf Special 2009: Back To Earth (ABC iView)
Republic Of Doyle (ABC iView)
Review With Myles Barlow (ABC iView)
Rich Kids Cattle Drive (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab (ABC iView)
Roary The Racing Car (ABC iView)
RPA (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
Rules of Engagement (Channel 10 catchup TV)
Rush (Channel 10 catchup TV)
Salute (ABC iView)
Saving Babies (Channel 10 catchup TV)
Scrapheap Challenge (ABC iView)
Sea Patrol (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
Sesame Street (ABC iView)
Shameless (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
Shamwari: A Wild Life (ABC iView)
Silverwing (ABC iView)
SOS South Pacific (ABC iView)
Southland (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
Spaced (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
Spicks And Specks (ABC iView)
Spliced! (ABC iView)
Spooks (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
Starpics: Celebrity Bios (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
Stoked (ABC iView)
Stories from the Golf (SBS Catchup TV)
Style by Jury (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
Summer Heights High (ABC iView)
Sunrise Extra (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
Talkin’ ‘Bout Your Generation (Channel 10 catchup TV)
The 7:30 Report (ABC iView)
The 7pm Project (Channel 10 catchup TV)
The Assistants (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
The Biggest Loser (Channel 10 catchup TV)
The Bionic Vet (ABC iView)
The Black Balloon (ABC iView)
The Block 2010 (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
The Bold and the Beautiful (Channel 10 catchup TV)
The Catherine Tate Show (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
The Catherine Tate Show (ABC iView)
The Circle (Channel 10 catchup TV)
The Closer (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
The Cook And The Chef (ABC iView)
The Cube (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
The Daily Show Global Edition (ABC iView)
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart (ABC iView)
The Drum (ABC iView)
The Enforcers (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
The Farmer Wants a Wife (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
The Forsyte Saga (ABC iView)
The Good Wife (Channel 10 catchup TV)
The Goodies (ABC iView)
The Gruen Transfer (ABC iView)
The Howard Years (ABC iView)
The Hunt For The Tightest Person In Britain (ABC iView)
The Inbetweeners (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
The Jesters (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
The Jungle Book (ABC iView)
The Kevin Bishop Show (ABC iView)
The Last Word (ABC iView)
The Last Word Monologues (ABC iView)
The League of Gentlemen (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
The Librarians (ABC iView)
The Middle (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
The Mighty Boosh (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
The Mr Men Show (ABC iView)
The New Inventors (ABC iView)
The Sphinx Unmasked (ABC iView)
The Trophy Room (ABC iView)
The Tudors (ABC iView)
The Wannabes (ABC iView)
The Whitest Kids U Know (ABC iView)
The Wild West (ABC iView)
The Wire (ABC iView)
The World Stands Up (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
The WotWots (ABC iView)
The Young Ones (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
The Young Ones (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
The Young Ones (ABC iView)
Thunderbirds (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
Timmy Time (ABC iView)
Tinga Tinga Tales (ABC iView)
To The Manor Bowen (ABC iView)
Torchwood (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
Total Drama World Tour (ABC iView)
Totally Wild (Channel 10 catchup TV)
Two Queens and a Castle (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
U Be Dead (ABC iView)
Undercover Boss USA (Channel 10 catchup TV)
Universe (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
V Season 2 (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
Walking with Dinosaurs (Channel 7 catchup TV – Yahoo!7 Plus7)
Walking with Dinosaurs (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
Wallace and Gromit (ABC iView)
Wallace And Gromit’s World Of Invention (ABC iView)
Waybuloo (ABC iView)
We Can Be Heroes (ABC iView)
What Not to Wear (Channel 9 catchup TV – NineMSN FixPlay)
White Collar (Channel 10 catchup TV)
Who do you think you are? (SBS Catchup TV)
Wife Mom Bounty Hunter Wild At Heart (ABC iView)
Wired (ABC iView)
World Tales (SBS Catchup TV)
Yo Gabba Gabba (ABC iView)
Zigby (ABC iView)

Post from: How to hide ip

How to watch Australian TV while travelling abroad

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