How to hide ip: Hide IP & VPN Christmas Giveaway: Cryptocloud


How to hide ip: Hide IP & VPN Christmas Giveaway: Cryptocloud

Hide IP & VPN Christmas Giveaway: Cryptocloud

Posted: 08 Dec 2009 04:00 AM PST


Cryptocloud is a premium VPN service that uses the Baneki NetCloak VPN engine to deliver robust protection from surveillance with NO drop in throughput or speed. They own and manage a global network of custom, encrypted, secure server gateways – the “CryptoCloud” – so fast and easy, you’ll need to double-check to be sure you’re really “in the cloud” and running 100% encrypted!

Three years ago, Cryptocloud pioneered the “keep no activity logs” approach to data retention and, while lots of companies nowadays have copied their language, few have invested real time and work in creating a network topology that backs up words with actions. Cryptocloud logging policy is proven, reliable, transparent, and trusted - they log NO network behavior details and never have.

Cryptocloud Main Features

Here are some characteristics of Cryptocloud VPN service:

  • Elegant – so easy to use it seems like magic
  • Fast - you’ll need to double-check to be sure you’re really “in the cloud”
  • Resilient – once you tap into the cryptocloud service, a Java-based client applet will autonomously maintain your secure connection
  • Compatible – with cryptocloud there’s no fiddling with your applications to “cloud-ify” them
  • Low profile – wraps everything in an outside wrapper indistinguishable from plain, old-fashioned HTTPS traffic: secure web bro
  • Powerful – the ease of use we provide sacrifices nothing in raw crypto power
  • Robust – handles the normal, everyday fluctuations of internet traffic

Cryptocloud Server Locations and Prices

Cryptocloud customers can choose what country’s IP they want to show publicly, via the GeoChoice feature – no fussing with configuration files, just log into the member dashboard and click on the preferred country. Really cool feature.

Here are the packages that are available for Cryptocloud service:

Cryptocloud Giveaway: 12 1-year Free Accounts

Cryptocloud offers 12 1-year accounts for readers. This is an extraordinary giveaway, as each account values $139 (!). Thank you, Cryptocloud!

The rules are simple. “Comment to Win“. Leave a comment below making sure you enter a VALID eMail address in the comment form. More comments will NOT increase your chances of winning as the they will be considered only once!

Winners will be chosen randomly using List randomizer. All the winners will be contacted via email directly. Contest closes at 11:59 am GMT on December 9th 2009 and the results will be published here, in this post.

Cryptocloud giveaway expires in 12 hours, 39 minutes !

Optionally, you can follow us on Twitter or Subscribe to our RSS or to our newsletter (if you do you’ll get a copy of my “Protect Your Privacy Now!” ebook).

If you have already used Cryptocloud, take a moment and review it on


Post from: How to hide ip

Hide IP & VPN Christmas Giveaway: Cryptocloud

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7 VPN Services Launched In 2009

Posted: 08 Dec 2009 03:06 AM PST

The end of the year is approacing quickly bringing reflections on the year past. Reading about the 'Group Writing Project: 2009 in Review' hosted by Daniel Scocco on his Daily Blog Tips blog – I decided to list seven VPN services that were launched in the last year and helped a lot of people to:

  • Overcome censorship in countries like China, Iran, UAE, etc.
  • Access blocked and georestricted websites
  • Watch,,, from anywhere
  • Protect yourself from snoopers at Wi-Fi hotspots, hotels, airports, corporate offices and ISP hubs.
  • Hide your IP address for your privacy online


ipredatorWorld's most famous bittorrent network ThePirateBay launched in June 2009 its own VPN service. Unlike any other VPN service IPREDATOR assures that no user activity logs of anykind is storedThe VPN service was designed to give you a private and 100% secure internet access. It uses 128bit encryption to make sure that no one, not even your IPS, is  able to peek in your data transfers.

The name of the service mocks the swedish Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement Directive (IPRED) legislation which empowers copyright holders get personal details of file-sharing users from ISP's.



hideipvpnHideIpVPN was launched in September 2009 and it’s a very popular VPN service, according to The service hides your IP address (using VPN technology) and exposes UK or US IP addresses instead of your real one. This allows you to unblock a lost of restricted sites and protect your online privacy.

One of the most appreciated features of HideIpVPN service is that it offers 100 free accounts each month.



acevpnAce VPN is a VPN service that you can use to privately and securely surf and download on the internet without leaving a trace and/or being tracked. Beside the free version that is by invitation only, Ace VPN offers a premium service for $5/month. AceVPN allows P2P traffic only for premium accounts.

AceVPN requests their users to limit the upload and the download speed to 100kbps, so that it does not affect other users on the network.



itshidden_logoItsHidden is a free VPN that works on BitTorrent (BT) traffic including uploading and downloading transfer. Thus, it's useful for users who torrent traffic been throttled by their ISP, or users who need to hide themselves for anti-piracy organizations from sharing copyrighted materials.



freevpnTheFreeVPN is a free service that lets users surf the web privately also allowing them to bypass internet censorship. Unfortunatelly, it comes with a price: annoying ads. You can choose from 3 US servers (one special for watching Hulu), 3 UK servers and 1 Canada server (this is the only free Canada VPN that I know!).



hidemyassHideMyAss Pro VPN is an easy to use application which anonymously encrypts your entire internet connection. The tool automatically works with any application or protocol including p2p/bit-torrent.



12vpn12vpn is a reliable VPN service with three server locations for OpenVPN, PPTP, and L2TP setups, based in the UK and US. What I like most about 12vpn is that you can switch servers, if you wish, by logging in to your account area and selecting another, but 12vpn maintains that it auto-selects the best choice for you based on your location.


Post from: How to hide ip

7 VPN Services Launched In 2009

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  2. 7 Free Online VPN Services
  3. Mega Christmas Giveaway: 21 Hide IP Tools and VPN Services


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