
How to hide ip: Hide IP & VPN Christmas Giveaway: Anonymity Gateway


How to hide ip: Hide IP & VPN Christmas Giveaway: Anonymity Gateway

Hide IP & VPN Christmas Giveaway: Anonymity Gateway

Posted: 06 Dec 2009 04:00 AM PST


Anonymity Gateway is a simple to use and effective hide IP application that is presented by the producer, Privacy Gateway, as an alternative to web proxies. As you probably know, web proxies are not very reliable, so an alternative is welcomed. 

Anonymity Gateway changes your real IP, allowing you to browse the web without ever worrying that the ISPs or any other marketing tool is monitoring your surfing habits or spammers or hackers are attacking your computer. The simplest way to do this is to have traffic redirected through highly anonymous proxies. A proxy server is a kind of buffer between your computer and the Internet resources you are accessing. As a result, the websites see the IP address of the proxy server instead of your own IP address.

Anonymity Gateway provides you a comprehensive list of high anonymous proxies, from various countries (US, UK, Canada, France, Germany, Netherlands or Ireland), so that you can chose the location you want to appear from. In this way your online identity is well hidden and Your Private Information will Stay Private as it should be!

Anonymity Gateway Main Features

  • It does change your IP 
  • Simple to use
  • Fast premium proxies
  • It offers proxies from US, UK, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands
  • It performs auto browser configuration (all browsers are automatically configured to use the selected premium proxy)
  • Anonymizes instant messengers

How To Use Anonymity Gateway

First, you need to download the product from site or directly from here.

After the installation you will get the following window:

The next step is to choose a proxy from the list and press Enable Online Anonymity button. That will change your IP to an IP from US, UK, Canada, France, Germany, Netherlands or Ireland. Then check your new IP address by loading the following page. This way you can browse with different IP addresses.

When you are done, don’t forget to press Disable Online Anonymity button.

Anonymity Gateway Giveaway: 15 1-year Licenses

We have 15 1-year Anonymity Gateway licenses to be given away to the lucky readers of

The rules are the same as for previous giveaways: “Comment to Win“. Leave a comment below making sure you enter a VALID eMail address in the comment form. More comments will NOT increase your chances of winning as the they will be considered only once!

Winners will be chosen randomly using List randomizer. All the winners will be contacted via email directly. Contest closes at 11:59 am GMT on December 7th 2009 and the results will be published here, in this post.

Anonymity Gateway giveaway expires in 16 hours, 11 minutes !

Optionally, you can follow us on Twitter or Subscribe to our RSS or to our newsletter (if you do you’ll get a copy of my “Protect Your Privacy Now!” ebook).

If you already tried Anonymity Gateway, take a few moments and review it on

[Anonymity Gateway]

Post from: How to hide ip

Hide IP & VPN Christmas Giveaway: Anonymity Gateway

Related Posts:

  1. Anonymity Gateway – The Proxy Alternative
  2. NotMyIP vs Anonymity Gateway
  3. Hide IP & VPN Christmas Giveaway: AnonymityNetwork


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