How to hide ip: Great Firewall Coming To Australia In 2010


How to hide ip: Great Firewall Coming To Australia In 2010

Great Firewall Coming To Australia In 2010

Posted: 18 Dec 2009 06:42 AM PST

firewall_auSo is Australia the new Iran? Should you encrypt your hard drive or install a VPN before visiting Australia next year?

Well, it’s not the law of the land yet, but at a sudden press conference on Tuesday it was announced that Australia will next year join the ranks of countries who censor the net.

The announcement says that all Australian ISPs will be required to filter access to a government-supplied blacklist containing "refused classification" (RC) web content. That would include nasty stuff like child pornography, but also a broader range of content: fetishy sex, instruction in crime (such as euthanasia), any computer game not suitable for under 18s.

While this issue can crossover into something at once less useful and sinister. The censorship push started its life as a kid-friendly measure, to improve safety of the internet for a ban on pro-anorexia sites and pornography in general. 

It’s not much of a stretch to imagine AFACT (Australian Federation Against Copyright Theft) clamouring to have bittorrent trackers added, and may include lists imported from overseas police departments. The list will be seen as a cyber-safety policy, where ISPs would be required to provide a filtered solution to families, but, unless the political winds change, Australia is set to join a club with some rather unsavoury members.

Just as worrying is the fact that once this list is in, a conga line of special interests will be approaching the government to have not mandatory and secrets unlike censorship decisions made in other media, blocked URLs will remain secret and expressly excluded from the public.

[Via Electronic Frontiers Australia]

Post from: How to hide ip

Great Firewall Coming To Australia In 2010

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Hide IP & VPN Christmas Giveaway: Overplay

Posted: 18 Dec 2009 04:00 AM PST


Overplay is a great service that can reroute your internet traffic via high speed, reliable VPN servers – making it appear to websites which you visit as if you’re located in another geographical area.

Thus, by using, you can enjoy a variety of online TV content, without the restriction on your geographical location. Wherever you are, keep up-to-date with what’s on TV, watch the latest shows, enjoy sports not normally available on domestic TV, and stay abreast with the latest localised news.

Overplay Main Features

  • High Speed VPN Servers – most with 1000Mbps dedicated bandwidth.
  • High Speed servers supporting HD video streams,
  • PPTP or OpenVPN connection options available – they provide a custom build of either TunnelBlick or OpenVPN-GUI to connect to the service and to auto-update when new servers are added. 
  • Dedicated support from the UK
  • Very low contention - unique server configuration allows us to add extra capacity at very short notice, translating to BETTER service for you
  • Works with Windows, OS X, Linux, iPhone and more
  • Transparent privacy and fair-usage policies

Overplay Server Locations and Packages

Overplay offers one package of $9.95 per month with unlimited bandwidth on each of their 8 servers, located in the US, UK, Canadian, Sweeden, and Ireland. Instant activation can get you up-and-running with the minimum of trouble, and they support OpenVPN – which alongside Cisco’s L2TP solution is just about the best technology available.

Overplay Giveaway: 10 1-Month Free Accounts

Overplay gives away 10 1-month accounts to the lucky readers of The rules are simple. “Comment to Win“. Leave a comment below making sure you enter a VALID eMail address in the comment form.

Important! More comments will NOT increase your chances of winning as they will be considered only once! If you enter multiple comments using different email addresses is not acceptable either. If you abuse the system you have good chances to be disqualified for this giveaway as well as for future giveaways!

Winners will be chosen randomly using List randomizer. All the winners will be contacted via email directly. Contest closes at 11:59 am GMT on December 19th 2009 and the results will be published here, in this post.

Overplay giveaway expires in 15 hours, 42 minutes !

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Post from: How to hide ip

Hide IP & VPN Christmas Giveaway: Overplay

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