How to hide ip: Where To Find Working Proxies To Use With FoxyProxy And SwitchProxy?


How to hide ip: Where To Find Working Proxies To Use With FoxyProxy And SwitchProxy?

Where To Find Working Proxies To Use With FoxyProxy And SwitchProxy?

Posted: 13 Oct 2009 02:58 AM PDT

FoxyProxy and SwitchProxy are two great Firefox add-ons that can be used to hide your IP address. The downsize of these solutions is that they depend on proxies that you need to find yourself. Actually, both add-ons function as easy to use proxy changers and they do not provide any proxies.

The problem: where to find working proxies to be used with these add-ons?

The solution: proxy list sites.

You should know from the start that there is no such thing as fast and reliable open/free proxy. Most open proxies have a short life (from several days to several weeks) and they provide low speed due to the high traffic demand. Do not expect to watch Hulu using a free proxy! (If you find such a proxy let me know :) )

Still, open proxies are good for anonymous browsing and unblocking websites like Facebook, MySpace and Orkut.

So, where to find good proxies? Here is a list of 5 sites that provide pretty good, tested proxies:

Go to any of this sites and select a proxy (IP address and the port – IP:port) from the desired country. If you want to unblock Facebook for example the best choice would be a US proxy.

Important! Make sure you always choose high-anonymous proxies. (Q&A: What type of proxy should I use?)

What to do next?

After you choose a proxy you need to setup FoxyProxy and SwitchProxy to use it. The following tutorials show you how to do it:

Do you use open proxies? What is your source of good proxies?

[Review FoxyProxy & SwitchProxy on]

Post from: How to hide ip

Where To Find Working Proxies To Use With FoxyProxy And SwitchProxy?

Related Posts:

  1. Proxy List for Firefox SwitchProxy Add-on
  2. FoxyProxy 2.13 – New release of the advanced proxy management Firefox add-on
  3. How To Hide Your IP Using SwitchProxy Firefox Add-on


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